1·I call this independent existence "materiality".
2·Helen, the heroine of The Tenant of Wildfield Hall, was forced to leave her atrocious husband with her son to claim her right to an independent existence.
3·Pakistan came into existence as an independent country after the war.
—— 《牛津词典》
4·It is based on the existence and importance of ideas, which are conceived of as almost independent of the people who have them.
5·The term evolutionary creationism is used in particular for beliefs in which God transcends normal time and space, with nature having no existence independent of His will.
6·Broadly speaking, the consciousness and material in the traditional philosophy refer to the subjective existence and objective one, which are not only independent but interrelated.
7·The empirical study indicates the extensively existence of power-law clique-degree distribution, which is an independent character to scale-free property.
8·In philosophy, any viewpoint that accords to the objects of human knowledge an existence that is independent of whether they are being perceived or thought about.